Tärkeällä ilmoitusasialla aloitin ja täähän on mun miljoonannes postaus oikeesti, mutta tässä blogissa 200.postaus jee! :)
Tänää oon tehny kirjaimellisesti koko päivän tota kuviksen lopputyötä ja muistin vasta nyt, että siitä se kirjallinenki osuus pitää palauttaa maanantaina... Hyvin hoidettu! Noo, onneks mulla on vielä huominen aikaa. Taas vaihteeks menny koulun parissa tää koko viikko, mut ens viikolla ehkä helpottaa ku saa palautettua kaikki tutkielmat ja semmoset.
Aloin jo kaivelee kesävaatteita ja arskoja kaapin pohjalt, mutta ei niitä ainakaa viä näköjää tarvii... Tota lunta vaan tulee...
I started with a important thing and really this is my 100000000000.posting, but in this blog it's the 200.posting yeah! :)
Today I've been doing my art-project all day, literally. And I just remembered that the text part have to be finished on monday, too... Well done me! Well, luckily I have time to do it tomorrow. My week has gone with school, again, but next week should be easier because all the essays and all should be finished.
I already started looking my summer clothes and sunglasses from my closet, but I guess they're not needed at least yet... The snow just keep coming...
I started with a important thing and really this is my 100000000000.posting, but in this blog it's the 200.posting yeah! :)
Today I've been doing my art-project all day, literally. And I just remembered that the text part have to be finished on monday, too... Well done me! Well, luckily I have time to do it tomorrow. My week has gone with school, again, but next week should be easier because all the essays and all should be finished.
I already started looking my summer clothes and sunglasses from my closet, but I guess they're not needed at least yet... The snow just keep coming...
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