
Why do you hate rain so fuckin' much ?

Jos sulla on nyt hyvä fiilis, etkä haluu pilaa sitä, nii älä lue tätä.
Onks ihmiset tosiaan tehty sokerista, ku ei voi tulla ulos sateella? Siis tarkotan ny sellast vähäistä sadetta, jotka on vaan väliaikasii. Emmääkää ny kaatosateella ulos lähe.
Mut cmonn, sulaksä sateessa vai mitä?

If you have a good fiiling now and you don't want to ruin it, then don't read this.
Are people really made of sugar, if they can't come out, when it rains? I mean, when it rains little and it's temporary. I don't go out either, when it rains alot.
But cmon, do you melt in the rain or what?

Muttaaa, ens viikolla yöks Elville. Jajajaj Stadii !

Buuuut, next week I'll go sleepover to Elvi. Andandand to Helsinki !

Now Playing:
Kid Ink: Dreamin'
Day26: Got Me Going 

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